Coast Appliances Steam Ovens

Steam Ovens

  • Steam ovens used to be reserved for professionals in restaurant kitchens. Not anymore! With Coast Appliances, you can take home a steam oven and upgrade your kitchen anytime - and with our appliance delivery/haul-away service, you can focus on what matters: the food.

Steam Wall Ovens Benefits

Steam wall ovens represent the pinnacle of modern kitchen technology, merging health-conscious cooking methods with unparalleled convenience. These innovative appliances use steam to cook food, a technique that not only preserves the natural flavors, textures, and nutrients but also offers more control over the cooking process. Whether it’s baking bread with the perfect crust, steaming vegetables while retaining their vibrant colors, or cooking delicate fish and meats to perfection, steam wall ovens handle it all. The result is healthier, tastier meals that are sure to impress family and guests alike.


Another significant benefit of steam wall ovens is their versatility. They can switch between traditional baking and roasting modes to steam or combination cooking, making them an all-in-one solution for any culinary challenge. This versatility goes beyond cooking methods. These ovens are designed to fit seamlessly into any kitchen style, from the ultra-modern to the classically traditional. Additionally, their efficient use of energy and water makes them an eco-friendly choice, aligning with the values of environmentally conscious consumers.

Bringing Your Steam Wall Oven Home

Deciding on the ideal steam wall oven is a practical move that will upgrade your kitchen’s capabilities for years to come. At Coast Appliances, you’ll find a variety of models that cater to different preferences and kitchen sizes. When selecting your oven, consider the capacity you need based on your cooking habits and the size of your household. It’s also worth considering the different features offered, such as programmable settings, smart connectivity, and easy-to-clean surfaces, to ensure you get an oven that truly meets your lifestyle and cooking needs.


These sophisticated appliances require precise electrical and plumbing connections, emphasizing the importance of professional installation. Our team excels in guiding you through both selection and installation, ensuring a flawless integration into your kitchen space. This meticulous approach not only secures the oven’s optimal performance but also meets strict safety standards.  

For more detailed information on our delivery, installation, and haul-away services, please visit our shipping and delivery page.

Steam Ovens FAQ

Steam ovens use steam, rather than dry hot air to roast moist and delicious food. They can help you eat healthier by eliminating the need for fats to prevent food from drying out. They’re great for reheating leftovers and as any baker can tell you, there’s no better way to get a perfectly crunchy crust on bread.

Most steam ovens are not connected to a water supply. They use an internal reservoir that the owner refills as needed; the larger the reservoir, the less often refills are required.

A steam oven can replace a traditional oven, because the steam is an option you can choose not to use if you don’t want to.

Miele, Wolf, Jennair and Bosch all make steam ovens that we carry here at Coast Appliances, along with others.